Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Ecto sketch

I was recently chatting with someone who knows I do etch-a-sketches. There were a lot of really cool ideas being kicked around for custom size etch-a-sketches like portrait orientation or over-sized panoramic size. Or a digital etch-a-sketch would be really cool. Of course you'd still use the knobs, but you wouldn't have the trouble an analog mechanism has. I see lots of potential. I may have to write a letter to the company. [hey OhioArt (makers of Etch-a-Sketch) get your shit together]
Also some really good ideas for subject matter were discussed. I'm thinking favorite movie poster replications, internet memes, or whatever, monsters, dinosaurs. Gallery show of exclusively etch-a-sketch work planned for 2012.
In the meantime here's another one of my old scans of past etch-a-sketching. Its from one of the coolest/most fucked up animes: Ninja Scroll. Enjoy.

I'll include a link to view the clip of this scene. Its pretty bad-ass.

Thursday, August 25, 2011


I have this shirt- I think my aunt got it for me at some random thrift store- its got a bunch of M.C. Escher prints all over it. I think its pretty cool because Escher was the friggin man. Anyway the point of this little anecdote was that I used the shirt as reference and did a copy of one of his drawings on the etch-a-sketch of the one where he used a sphere with a reflective surface to do a self-portrait. I thought something like that would be easier to do than some of his other works like with tessellations morphing into other things and crazy intricate pattern things. I thought that the crazy stairs would have a certain tongue-in-cheek reference owing to the fact that people sometimes say they only know how to draw stairs on an etch-a-sketch, but that print wasn't on the shirt. Only the crazy version with weird lizards curling up rolling up and down the stairs. Feedback is appreciated. I messed up a couple times, but I'm going to blame the fact that I spread the work out over a few days and I forgot where I left the little dot thingy in the screen.
I only had one person suggest subject matter for me to do. Tell me what I should do next and- when I feel up to it- I may attempt it.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Here's another etch-a-sketch

Since my life consists of bland vanilla days with nothing remarkable whatsoever I have no interesting topics with which to form blog posts about.
Well that's not true. While my life isn't the most exciting whirlwind of strange synchronistic happenings, it isn't a hopelessly dull monotony either. Its just average.
Now here's an etch-a-sketch that has no relation to anything I've just written.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Episode V: A New Post

I was going to write some batshit crazy Star Wars spoof for this blog (see title), but I gave up after "rebel alien spacemen, striking from a hidden dimension, have rewired my brain circuitry."
So maybe I'll just write about what I've been up to.
Let's see... I just signed up for a bunch of online portfolio showcase sites like Behance and Altpick and things like that. I'm going to try and start posting my stuff a lot more than I have been to try and get some internet exposure. Hopefully get some commissions for paid illustration gigs if all goes well. I've been procrastinating for way too long with posting my stuff because there's always that perfectionist in me that says "oh this is almost done but there's a few things I want to tweak before it's finished finished." Well F that. lemme just put my stuff out there and do new awesomer stuff.
There's just so many super talented illustrators out there. It is inspirational and annoying at the same time. The thing that bugs me is that I know I could be making pieces just as good, its just that they did it first. Oh well.
See later posts for URLs to those sites. I've had my coroflot site mostly up-to-date so here's that one. Argh, so much to do, so few hours in a day.
my coroflot portfolio
Aaaaand another etch-a-sketch just because. This one's star wars themed. It's based on the cover for "The Force Unleashed" a totally badass game where you're this Sith apprentice and you can force-lightning the shit out of stormtroopers. In case u can't tell, he's crashing a star destroyer. It is a blurry picture of a friggin small-ass etch-a-sketch. By the way, doing a lightsaber (2 parallel diagonal lines) on an etch-a-sketch requires a really high midichlorian count. I'll post the actual cover for comparison.

Friday, April 29, 2011

An old etch a sketch

As promised here's an etch I did on the old etch a sketch. Its inspired by the Hobbit a wonderful tale by J.R.R. Tolkien soon to be adapted into movie-form by Peter Jackson!

In case you can't make out my freeform etching style its Bilbo blowing smoke rings with Gandalf and Smaug the dragon behind.

This was done back in '05. One of the oldest I've kept record of. Before that I would just shake them up. Anyway hope you enjoy, anyone who actually reads this.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


Yey! A third post! Blogging is really hard when you've got nothing to write about. Have I said that already? Well it doesn't matter. I will probably be repeating myself once I start writing multiple posts like this.

Which brings me to my main topic: blogging. Specifically me blogging or rather the lack thereof. I've had some intense pressure lately from multiple individuals to write more stuff in my super amazing blog here. The pressure's finally gotten to me and I was able to procure the URL from an unnamed source since my own recall is somewhat clouded. Ah, clouded yes, but... THERE'S A SiLVER LINING!! to the clouding of my mind... I guess it would be that I don't have the constant anxiety associated with the need to post new things, or to be concerned with my lack of followers, or- wait what was I blogging about again? I got a little off track there.

Oh yes! My blog. Well here's the deal: I would like to post things that could conceivably be entertaining, perhaps even to the entire internetz! Therefore I've decided that I'll post etch-a-sketches. I will not be posting regularly. If I remember, I'll try and post an image of an old etch that I've done to prove that I'm not just talking out of my ass and that I have some skills on that children's toy from the 80's. I take requests too. The more absurd and/or bizarre the better.

Plus the inside stuff in an etch-a-sketch is silver (well not actually silver, but silver in color, gosh nitpicking) which totally relates to my blog title. Almost like I planned it that way... whoa crazy.

OK that is all for now.